Triangle kimbap is a very popular food sold in convenience stores in Korea. For people who are too busy to prepare breakfast or lunch, this is a good option. Since the kimbap is wrapped in a disposable plastic package, it is easy to carry and eat wherever or whenever you want. There are many different types available; however, today I will only show you how to make two different types using tuna and kimchi. In a Korean grocery store, you can find the kit for making this triangle kimbap. Why not try making this simple and amazingly delicious kimbap at home? If you have kids, it will be fun to make this together with your children. I cannot wait to make these with my son, Bryson, someday. hehe
Yield: 10 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- ChamChi (참치) = Tuna
- SamGak (삼각) = Triangle
Video Instructions
Tuna Mayo Ingredients
- 2½ Cups Cooked Short Grain Rice
- ½ Cup Tuna in Oil
- 2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
- ¼ tsp Salt
- 1 tsp Sesame Oil
- 1 tsp Sesame Seeds
- 1 Pinch Black Pepper
Tuna Kimchi Ingredients
- 2½ Cups Cooked Short Grain Rice
- ½ Cup Tuna in Oil
- ½ Cup Kimchi
- 1 Tbsp Cooking Oil (Canola Oil)
- 2 tsp Hot Pepper Powder
- ¼ tsp Sugar
- ⅛ tsp Salt
- 1 tsp Sesame Oil
- 1 tsp Sesame Seeds
Combine 2½ cups of cooked rice, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of sesame seeds, and ⅛-¼ tsp of salt. Mix everything together gently. Use short grain or sushi rice, not long grain rice, for the right texture and taste. Cover it with a plastic wrap and set it aside while preparing the filling. Both the seaweed and rice will be the same in both recipes, except for the amount of saltiness.
For the tuna mayo kimbap, combine ½ cup of tuna, 2 Tbsp of mayonnaise, and 1 pinch of black pepper. Before using the tuna, drain the oil first.
Mix everything together. Depending on your tastes, you can add more mayonnaise or salt.
For the tuna kimchi kimbap, combine ½ cup of tuna, ½ cup of well fermented kimchi, 1 Tbsp of cooking oil, 2 tsp of hot pepper powder, and ¼ tsp of sugar in a pan.
Fry it for about 5 minutes on medium-high. If you want to make your kimbap spicier, add more hot pepper powder or red pepper paste.
Place the side marked with the number “1” facedown, with the “1” at the top. Then place the plastic forming tool on top of the seaweed at the top of the seaweed.
Since this recipe makes 5 tuna mayo servings, divide the 2½ cups of rice and tuna filling into 5 equal groups. That means each one will have about ½ cup of rice. Fill ⅓ of the triangle shape with rice. It will be about ¼ cup of cooked rice. Spread it out evenly.
Add some of the tuna mayo filling on top of the rice. Be careful not to let the filling touch the forming tool; leave about an eighth of an inch all around the filling. This helps to prevent a mess with the filling when we press it later.
Do the same thing for the tuna kimchi kimbap; Add some rice on the bottom and then add some tuna kimchi filling on top of the rice.
Add another ¼ cup of rice on top of the filling.
Press the rice with the other plastic piece in the kit, until you push it down to the line on the first plastic piece.
Remove the plastic forming tools.
Getting the right amount of rice and filling is the key to getting the perfect taste and shape.
Fold the seaweed sheet up over the rice.
Fold both sides of the seaweed down over the rice, and tuck the extra seaweed under the rice.
Fold both sides of the bottom seaweed piece up over the sides to the center of the triangle. Fasten each side with a piece of the tape. You will get 5 tuna mayo servings and 5 tuna kimchi servings.
Here is how to remove the wrap before eating; First, pull where it says “1.”
Pull the plastic pieces away where it is marked “2” and “3.”
Since you made two kinds of triangle kimbap, it is a good idea to mark which one is which, so I use these sticky notes. Write down “tuna mayo” or “tuna kimchi” and stick it on the kimbap.
This is another way to make it; Just use my fried kimchi rice recipe for the filling. Fill the entire triangle full of the fried rice.
Follow the rest of the steps for the other triangle kimbap.
They look neat and they are delicious. It was very fun to make them. My sister-in-law tried them for the first time, and she loved them. Try them someday. 🙂 Enjoy!
YAY! I already have the mold at home and I have made this before…..but I can’t wait to try your recipe. Thanks so much!^^
Where can I get one of those plastic molds ❓
hi Mia,
I bought it at a Korean grocery store. 🙂
where do you get your seaweed individual wrap?
hi Hanna,
I got it at Korean grocery store. thanks
Hi Aeri’s,
I’m from singapore, Did you carry the mould & plastic wrap to sale? Cos in singapore really can’t get these two item while want to do your recipe just as neat as you.Ha…ha
Best Regards
Hi Evelyn, you can find these at Daiso. They have a lot of these over there. Hope this is of help to you!!
Hi Aeri, another good idea for my children’s lunch boxes 🙂
hi Layping,
Thanks for your reply. 🙂 How have you been?
i went to homeplus here in korea last friday and bought this triangle kimbap kit! i saw the exact some kind that aeri used in her video there^^ i can’t wait to make a few. thank you aeri for sharing your recipe! i’m an avid fan and because of you, my bf eats better these days^^ i was a bad cook before but now i can brag…a little ㅋㅋㅋ
yay it does look like a fun and delicious recipe i need to try this!! gotta buy the mold first!
Hey Aeri! Thanks so much for sharing this amazing and fun recipe! My husband and I are great fans of this triangle, but I never would have thought we could make it at home, I had never paid attention to the seaweed section of the supermarket to find the kit. I made my first batch yesterday and I’m so proud that it came out perfectly, and MUCH better than store bought. As soon as I get nice photos of them I will post about it on my blog and will link back to yours, as you were my clever instructor 😀 Looking forward to trying more Korean recipes from your blog! Congratulations on the great work!
hi Renata,
Oh.. I will love to see the pictures if you post on your blog.. please let me know. 🙂 Thanks !!!
Thank you Aeri for the wonderful recipe. I’m trying to located the plastic mold but I’m unable to located it at any Korean stores in my state would you be consider adding this item to your shop? I tried checking with the H mart site but the mold did not look the same as what you are using. I prefer to get the same one that on your video. Thank you 😥
hi May,
Really? 🙄 I researched for you and found that Hmart online store sells exactly same brand I have. Here is a link for you. 😉
Hi Aeri, thank you for the video. I used to purchase the triangle kimbap from the supermarket but have no idea how they made it. Now I know how after watching your video. I do not have the utensils to make it but I can try to find it at the Korean Store here (in Malaysia). Communication with the store staff is also difficult cos I don’t speak Korean and they speak little English. Do you know how to say triangle kimbap tool in Korean? Appreciate your assistance.
hi JKasturi,
You can say “SamGak GimBap Teul” 삼각김밥 틀 to them. 🙂 I hope you can get it in a Korean store. Thanks
Hi Aeri. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes with us. I just want to know if the kimchi fried rice or plain cooked rice must be cooled completely before you wrap with seaweed. Thanks!
hi Eileen,
if the rice is hot.. not good to wrap..but a little warm is okay. ^^ thanks
Hi Aeri,
Been enjoying your site, thank you! I like how you present the recipes in such a visually appealing way. Makes it so simple to understand and encourages people to try it out for themselves.
It’s a great idea incorporating Korean vocabulary lessons at the end of each entry too 🙂
Qtn: (i) Should we refrigerate the triangle gimbab? Would it make it soggy the next day?
(ii) If we refrigerate it, should we microwave it before eating?
Many thanks
hi Faith,
Thanks for your kind comment. 🙂
about your question, you don’ t have to worry about keeping it in the refrigerator.. in Korean store, they keep and sell it from will not be soggy.. and you don’t have to use microwave’s delicious as it’s cool.. but I will say don’t keep it longer than 2 days..because your rice will get hard and not delicious.. thanks
I was browsing bento boxes on Amazon and ran across a comment with a link in it which lead me to this page. I found this kimbap kit on and have just made and eaten my first tuna mayo kimbap. Now I know what’s going to be in my lunch boxes! also has the refill packs. My local Asian market didn’t carry them.
Wow! Thanks for posting these! I’ve only ever had one tuna triangle kimbap before and I usually don’t like tuna, but I fell in love. So, my other friends told me that your site listed some good recipes. I can’t wait to try!!!
-Sarangheyo, Iseul.
I can’t help but feel that the Lord’s Prayer at the end of the video is a bit inappropriate.
She’s Christian. It doesn’t mean you have to be.
I’m sure you can help it. If you don’t like it, skip that portion. 😉
Hi Aeri, I finally managed to post about my successful Kimbab. I linked back to your blog. Thanks again for your great tutorial. These triangles are made at least once a week in my home 🙂 Delicious!!
I came through Renata blog looks awesome, I miss my onigri of japanese days.
Can you do it without the kit?
hi Jen,
Yes, You can just make the rice filled with the filling..and make the shape you like.. such as.. triangle.. square.. ball.. and wrap them with dried seaweed.. it will not be as good as using the kit (the shape wise. )but the taste will be same.. ^^
Hi aeri, may I know where to get the seaweed wrapper with plastic?
hi Michelle,
Korean market like hmart or assi plaza sell it..
Hi Aeri,
Do you have a recipe for Salmon (instead of Tuna)? Also, can you mix the white sushi rice with black rice to add some more nutritional value (or will it not stick together)?
p.s. This is a great website! My 4 year old daughter hates sandwiches so I’ll be making this for her packed lunch. She’s already so excited about it.
hi Canadian Mom,
I think.. white rice and black rice will be okay.. even other beans will be okay (for taste I will prefer just white rice though..hehe)..since it will be formed in the seaweed wrap.. I don’t have salmon recipe.. sorry.. Hope your daughter enjoys it. ^^
p.p.s. For the cooked rice, do you add vinegar and sugar? Or was this purposely left out of the instructions?
hi Canadian Mom,
Sugar and vinegar are more Japanese taste for this kind of food than Korean.. I didn’t skip to mention it..I didn’t use them for this.. so just follow my instruction and ingredients.. then you will taste delicious triangle shape kimbap.. ^^ thanks
안온함에 Aeri,
I live in Germany and therefore I can not find the suggested Korean stores. May could you provide me a name of a company who produce this seaweed enveloped in plastic than I could try to look and ask for it.
ups… I’ am sorry for my spelling mistake. I mean 안녕하세요
hi Markus,
No worry for your miss spelling.. it was cute ^^
Sorry but I don’t know what kind of brand they sell over there (German) can’t answer your question well. The Chinese letters you see on the plastic cover is the brand name.
hello. i adore your blog and your tutorial videos. i have few questions about kimbap. can i use any other rice other than sushi rice and add sesame oil to make it stick ?
HI garden,
I don’t know what kind of rice you want to use for kimbap..but if is very fluffy and dont’ stick together well… you might have problem to roll.. cut and eat them later… if your rice will stick together a little.. you can try it. ^^ thanks
This korean triangle sushi is really good because I tried eating it at downtown swatmeet. It’s really delicious. Thanks for sharing the direction. 😀
hi Kenneth Ng,
You are welcome. 🙂 Try making it at home someday. 🙂
I would like to order in bulk the disposal plastic wrapper for the Korean triangle kimbap for my food shop. Please advise who is the importer of this disposal plastic wrapper.
Thank you
I already replied about it to you in other comment. thanks
I am so sorry Aeri. I was having problem with my computer for two to three days and that was why I sent you a second comment. Would appreciate if you can post your first reply to me again. Anyway, it’s too expensive to get the plastic in Singapore and there is only limited stock. I would prefer to buy in Seoul from a wholesaler or distributor or manufacturer. I am flying to Seoul in May this year but would like to contact the wholesaler/distributor first
Thank you.
Oh.. Yes.. I don’t know now.. what i exactly said in the first reply..but at least I will give the link for the company again.
hope it helps..
I stumbled upon your blog by mistake when I was searching for triangle kimbap recipes, and tried out your tuna-mayo one. The little triangles turned out great even in the hands of a triangle newbie like me! 🙂 Thank you for an easy to follow recipe. I have to say that still haven’t found a korean food that i absolutely wouldn’t love. 🙂
hi Anna T.,
Great job for your triangle kimbap. Thanks for your comment..
P.S please let us know if you find a Korean food that you absolutely wouldn’t love in the future. 😉
This is an awesome recipe but I’m very curious on where you got your Nori disposable plastic package? Did you order it online?
hi Rhy,
Yes, you can order it online..but I bought it at a Korean grocery store.
Here is a link for you just in case you need it.
Looks really good. Where can we buy the kimbap kit?
Thanks for sharing.
hi susanna,
Try a Korean grocery store to find it. ^^ Thanks
Thanks for posting this Ms. Aeri 🙂 I love Korean food although I’m a Chinese living in the Philippines. Your post is very detailed and very helpful since I’m trying to make my own version of kimbap this weekend. I hope someday I can visit korea also. 🙂
hi Monica Ma,
I hope that your kimbap turned out delicious. 🙂 Yes, please visit Korea someday. Thanks
Thanks for the detailed steps, Aeri! Just tried your recipe today after a failed attempt last week using someone else’s recipe. Tasted lovely with the sourness of the kimchi!
hi FTeong,
I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed your triangle kimbap. Thank you very much for trying my recipe and giving me some feedback. 🙂
Hi Aeri,
Do these need to be eaten the same day or can they be kept in the refrigerator for a day or 2?
hi Laura,
The rice becomes hard when you keep it in the refrigerator sometime.. I will say you can keep it in room temperature for about half day.. and one day in the refrigerator.. but not longer than that.. thanks ^^
Hi Aeri. We live in Venezuela and one of my daughters best friend is a girl from Korea. She introduce us intonthis wonderful korean food. Your explanation is been so helpfull. Now I prepared then for may daughter. And she want to eat it everyday. Thank you!!!
hi Lorena,
Thanks for your comment. I’m so happy to hear that my blog is helpful for you. ^^
Hi! Do you know where i can find the seaweed and the triangle thing in Singapore? And is the seaweed halal?
Hi Ada,
I’m sorry that I don’t know much about halal. It is pure seaweed without any other addition to it.. so it shouldn’t be problem.. but still I’m not 100% sure about it because I don’t know ..halal.. I heard that singapore has many international markets..I’m sure that you will have some korean grocery markets there.. please try them to find it. Thanks ^^
So glad I found this blog! I live in Korea now but I will be moving back to England next year, and I will still need my tuna triangle kimbap.
Even though my boyfriend is Korean, I want to make these! Looks like fun and so delicious! Thanks for sharing!
hi Lisa,
Nice to meet you. I hope you had a great time in Korea. People who stayed in Korea for some time and go back to their own country.. they seemed miss Korean food later.. Oh you have a Korean boyfriend. ^^ Oops, you have we a long distance couple?? ㅜ.ㅜ I was in your position before so I know how it’s l ike.. anyway.. hope to see you again.
Just wondering how long these would last in the fridge before they expire as I plan to make them in bulk and take them as I go.
hi Aldrin,
Cooked rice becomes hard in the refrigerator..and then the texture and flavor are not that pleasant.. so I will not store it longer than over night or a day. thanks
Hi aeri, i’m really interested to try this recipe .. But, where can i buy triangle kimbab wrapper? How much it’s price? ( im from malaysia: sarawak)
hi Dyg,
I got it from a Korean grocery store. Do you have any Korean grocery store around you? It was about 5-6 dollars for the kit at that time. Thanks
I bought in Singapore. 50 pcs for abour 18.50 sgd from korean supermarket
hi Jac,
wow.. 50 pcs ?? Great.. Hope you enjoy this recipe. thanks 🙂
Hi there – this maybe a rather random question – would you know if I can buy prepackaged kimbaps – I am trying to replicate the packaging for a different food product. So would like to identify who ever does the packaging so I could understand the sourcing of the materials as well as the technology/machinery used? Any and all help would be welcome as I can’t read Korean labels 😉 Thank you so much!
hi Tekla Back,
I’m sorry that I couldn’t fully understand what you are asking. You want to buy prepackaged kimbap to redo something with it …and maybe sell ?? I’m sorry…and what do you means.. prepackaged kimbaps.. you mean.. it’s already made to eat ?? or you mean… they sell prepared ingredients to make kimbap ??
Hi Aeri,
My kids and I made this but when we took off the plastic wrap, the seaweed paper unfolded and it didn’t stick to the rice. Maybe we shouldn’t eat it right away after it’s made to give the seaweed time to hold the triangle shape and stick to the rice? Thank you!
hi Nancy Park,
Well.. that can happen anytime… sometimes.. the plastic wrap mess up the shape of the seaweed and rice too ..when you take it off.. so ..don’t worry..just .. after you remove the plastic wrap..try to reform the rice and seaweed with your hands.. thanks 🙂
Do you know were I can order this sett? I mean where I can order the plastic forming tool and the seaweed that has the plastic.
Hi Hanne,
Luckily, amazon started to sell this recently.. here is a link for you. It is exactly the same brand I used for this please try it.
Thank you:)
hi Hanne,
You are welcome. Thank you, Hanne. 🙂