Red bean paste is called “PatAngGeum (팥앙금)” or “JeokAngGeum (적앙금)” in Korean. It is used for different kinds of sweet Korean dishes and desserts such as red bean porridge, red bean rice cakes, red bean ice cream, red bean paste bread, and so on. “Pat” means red bean, “Jeok” means red, and “AngGeum” means a paste. You can easily buy pre-made red bean paste in a can from a Korean or Asian grocery store; however, it is good to make your own at home, since it is healthier and tastier. I have been asked to make this recipe from many people who cannot buy it. So today, I very happy to share my recipe for red bean paste. Once you taste the delicious homemade red bean paste, you will not want to buy the one in the can anymore. 😉 Try it someday.
Yield: 2 Quarts
Short Korean Lesson
- Pat (팥) = Red Bean
- Dal (달) = Moon
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients
- 2 lb Red Bean (4 Cups)
- 2½ Cups Sugar
- ½ tsp Salt
- Water
Obtain 2 pounds of dried red beans. It will be about 4 cups.
Wash the red beans twice in cold water.
Soak the washed beans in water for about 3 hours.
Drain the beans, and then add about 6 cups of water to them.
Boil the beans on high for five minutes. Drain and discard the water to help remove any remaining dirt, pesticides, or other chemicals. Add more water and boil the beans on medium-high.
Add more water as it evaporates to make sure the beans don’t go dry. I ended up using about 16 cups of water all-in-all.
If the bean breaks easily when you pinch it gently, it is done cooking. It will take about 1 hour to 2 hours depending on how long your beans have been dried.
Drain the beans and put them in a mixer. Add just enough water to allow the mixer to grind the beans – be careful to not add too much water.
The texture for the paste will be smooth and mushy – not runny.
Add the red bean paste, 2½ cups of sugar, and ½ tsp of salt. Depending on your tastes, you can adjust the amount of salt and sugar.
Mix everything together, and then cook it on high for about 5 minutes. When the paste starts to bubble, it is done.
This recipe makes a large amount of red bean paste, so if it is too much for you, cut the recipe half. You can freeze any leftovers for later. To freeze it, put some of the red bean paste in a zip bag, squeeze out any air before completely sealing the bag, flatten the bag, and then place it in the freezer. When you use the the frozen paste, just thaw it before using it in your cooking. Enjoy! 🙂
What kind of red beans can I use? How about red kidney beans? Is there a special bean for this recipe?
Mee Ae, The type of red beans used here is Asian and very small in size. They are most commonly known under the Japanese name adzuki or atzuki beans. You can easily find them in Chinese, Japanese or Korean grocery stores. Please do not use red kidney beans, which are four times the size of red beans and, as far as I know, not used in sweet cooking.
I use red kidney beans in a few different desserts. Like the Vietnamese bean drinks which requires boiling the beans in sugar water and layering with other sweetened beans, jellies, coconut milk & ice. I also use leftover sweetened kidney beans in ice cream/shakes. It’s delicious with pandan/ vanilla sweetened coconut milk & ice, blended until desired texture is achieved. Can be eaten right away or frozen for a later dessert. The ice makes it freeze hard so you’ll have to thaw it a tad bit before eating. I like to freeze mine in individual size bowls.
hi Jessica,
That is a good info to share with others. Thank you ^^
Thank you so much for this recipe! I am addicted to red bean paste and have always wanted to make it at home. I am excited to try out your recipes.
The red bean paste can also be mixed together with sago,coconut milk and ice-cube. Hope you can used up all the paste within one week.
I want to make your Cannellini Bean cookie but can’t find white kidney bean paste…will this method work on making white kidney bean paste too?
hi shirely,
It is a little different..because you have to soak the beans and peel the skin off.. sorry it takes time to post the recipe. I will try to do that soon. thanks
So excited to try this. Thank you. Why buy canned when you can make your own! This way I control the ingredients. Yay.
Your website is insane. I’m so glad I found it. Beautiful presentation and great detail. I love learning how to do sauces and pastes from scratch.
PS. You’re son is beyond cute. God bless him.
I was wondering if you had to wait until the red beans cooled down to blend them? Will the beans’ temperature effect how the paste turns out?
hi Leah S.,
No it will not effect that much.. you can just grind then when you want to do.
Is there an alternative to using a mixer for grinding the beans? I tried doing this and the beans wouldn’t blend without a good amount of water, which made it really runny…
hi Kara,
You can do smaller amount of beans each time with a little bit of water to grind.. that will help a little.. if your bean paste became too runny already.. you just have to evaporate the moisture while you are cooking the paste on the stove.. occasionally stir it
Traditionally, before there was such a thing as a blender, the beans were simply mushed with the back of a the spoon (or spatula), while in the pot. The only difference is that the skin of the bean will add some texture to the paste. Many prefer this.
In fact, many don’t mush the beans at all, and prefer the plump texture. Even canned red beans can come un-mushed.
I’ve been wanting to make this for so long and I finally found azuki beans! I made the paste today. It is a little runny, but it tastes veeeery good!! I’m going to make Sweet red bean bbang today with my sister 😀 thank you for the recipe, I love it!
made it!!!
i was wondering why it wasn`t as black as on your picture but now after boiling it looks perfect!
thank you 😀
Do you use drinking water or tap water for boiling?
hi Gina,
Since you boil the water with the beans.. actually it doesn’t matter much. You can use both. Thanks 🙂
p.s I’m living in USA..and I use tap water for cooking.
we tried this for my son and it turned out ok using red kidney beans!!! 😛
hello i want to make the red bean paste looked at grocery store for Asian red bean but cant find any what do yo suggest i do
Hi hajar,
The red bean is also called Azuki bean. You can buy it online too.
Here is a link for you.
thank you
Hello Aeri 🙂
I really enjoy your recipes, you are very talented! I was wondering what kind of mixer do you use? I don’t have one and was wondering which is best to purchase for making red bean and other recipes? Thank you! 🙂
hi Judy,
I used kitchenaid mixter.. and I’m satisfied with it. 🙂 Thanks.
The red bean paste that I am in the process of making right now has lost the majority of its color, is that normal? The beans are almost white now after boiling them on high for five. Did I buy the wrong beans?
hi Liz Lorz,
I don’t know what kind of bean you bought..but if it’s the right kind.. it will not be almost white at least..^^:; how was the flavor ?? if it was tasty enough.. you can still use for other recipes. ^^
And how do you make the paste into the dessert balls? Do they just get solid after they cool?
hi Angela,
Yes, when it’s almost done cooking.. it’s already pretty firm… but yes.. while it’s becomes even harder.. Thanks.
Hi Aeri ,
Thanks for sharing tis yummy paste recipe ,
i love , i made it just for the purpose to eat with my bread
hi Yoora,
Thanks for trying my recipe. 🙂
How many cups of red bean paste does this recipe make?
hi Annie Kreider,
This recipe makes about 2 quarts of red bean paste…. so if you convert it to will be about 8 cups.. thanks
Woah, it looks so yummy!
hi Alan,
hehe..yep.. it is delicious.. try it someday. Thanks ^^
Thank you so much! My new bf is Korean and I’m trying to surprise him by making tteok like his grandmother! Wish me luck I’m making it all from scratch!
Hi Dreezy, Wow, that’s very sweet you want to make tteok for your Korean bf. I’m sure he will be so happy to just eat it. But yep, you will surprise him with this recipe. 🙂 Good luck. Let me know later..hehe