RaBokkI (라볶이) is a variation of the popular street food tteokbokki. Tteokbokki is fried sticky rice cakes in a sweet and spicy sauce along with some other veggies. Rabokki has the addition of ramen noodles and hard-boiled eggs. The chewy rice cakes and soft noodles soak up a lot of flavor. If you like tteokbokki, you will love this too. Try it someday.
Yield: 3 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- JuCha (주차) = Parking
- UnJeon (운전) = Driving
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients
- 2 Cups Sticky Rice Cakes for Tteokbokki (12 oz)
- 1 Pack Korean Instant Noodles
- 3 Hard-Boiled Eggs
- 1 Cup Fried Fish Cakes (EoMuk)
- 1 Cup Onion
- ½ Cup Carrot
- 2 Green Onions
- 1 tsp Sesame Seeds (Garnish)
Sauce Ingredients
- 3 Cups Water
- ¼ Generous Cup Hot Pepper Paste
- 2 Tbsp Sugar
- ½ Tbsp Hot Pepper Powder
- ½ Tbsp Ramyeon Seasoning Powder
- 1 tsp Soy Sauce
- 1 tsp Garlic, Minced
Cut 1 cup worth of fried fish cakes into triangle shapes. Slice 1 cup worth of an Onion into ¼-inch pieces. Slice ½ cup worth of carrot diagonally. Cut 2 green onions into 1-inch pieces.
Obtain 1 pack of Korean instant noodles. We call instant noodles “ramyeon” (라면) in Korean. We will use the noodles and powdered spice pack in it. The secret of good restaurant style rabokki is the powdered spice pack. With tteokbokki, I make my own broth. However for rabokki, you just use the powdered spice pack for flavoring. 😉
Obtain 2 cups of sticky rice cakes for tteokbooki and 3 hard-boiled eggs, in addition to the ramen noodles.
Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a big pan: 3 cups of water, ¼ generous cup hot pepper paste, 2 Tbsp sugar, ½ Tbsp hot pepper powder, ½ Tbsp ramyeon seasoning powder , 1 tsp soy sauce, and 1 tsp minced garlic. Start boiling on medium-high. Stir until all the ingredients are mixed together well.
Once the sauce starts to boil, add the sticky rice cakes, fried fish cakes, onion, and carrot. Cook for about 5 minutes on medium-high.
In this step, taste it and add up to 1 tsp of soy sauce. Depending on the brand of hot pepper paste and ramyeon powder, the saltiness of this dish can be different, so make adjustments as required.
About 5 minutes later, add the ramen noodles, hard-boiled eggs, and the green onions. Once the noodles become softer, occasionally stir them around in the sauce so everything will get enough flavor.
Cook for another 5 minutes, or until the noodles are done cooking. Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top before serving.
The colors from the sauce and veggies make it look good. I am satisfied with the result. You can eat delicious restaurant style rabokki in your own home. Enjoy! 🙂
I love rice cakes and ramyun (my favourite is Samyang Chacharoni) but I’d never have imagined putting them together. The colours really are pretty. 🙂
애리님 안녕하세요?
요즘 애리님 레시피로 잘 만들어먹고 있어요.
저도 광주에서 나고 자라서 왠만한 레시피는
성에 안차지만 애리님 레시피는 고향이 같아서인지
신뢰가 갔네요 ㅋㅋ
라볶이가 너무나 먹음직스러워 보이네요~
내일 당장 해먹을려구요~
항상 좋은 음식 많이 올려주셔서 고마워요
hi 동현맘,
안녕하세요. 너무 반갑습니다. 와..고향분이시네요. 더 반가워라 ~~~
지금 어디에서 살고 계신가요?
앞으로도 자주뵜음 좋겠네요. ^^
저는 아틀랜타에 살아요
애리님은 혹시 뉴욕이세요?
전 빠른 81인데 ㅎㅎ나이 비슷하면
친구 하면 좋겠어요~!
동영상에서 몇번 뵜는데 넘 미인이시더라는..
요리도 참 잘하시고,배울점이 많은 분이라 느꼈어요.
앞으로도 자주 놀러올께요~
hi 동현맘,
아틀랜타에 사시는구나. 그곳은 한국분들 많은가요? 저는 펜실베니아의 작은 도시에 살고 있어요. 제가 사는 동네엔 한국분들 거의 없다는..ㅋㅋㅋ 제가 2살 많네요. 네.. 우리 친구해요. ^^
자주 놀러오세요. 페북하시면 페북 친구해도 좋겠어요.
this looks so very yummy!
thanks for posting, Aeri!
OMGGGG! I love rabokki~~ I tried it while I was in korea and I loved it!!!
Thanks so much for posting the recipe, I will try it someday!
Okey! I’ve got a question~~ I don’t have hot pepper powder T__T But I do have gochujang, so… Can I skip it?
hi ivix,
Yes, the main sauce ingredient is gochujang..so you can skip hot pepper powder..and if you need.. you can add a little more gochujang instead. ^^ thanks
hi Aeri,
I was going to buy hot pepper powder but the pack was so big~~
Thanks for your reply! =)
애리 언니 안녕하세요.
진짜 매주 와서 업데이트 하고 있는 광팬이예요!
레시피 따라하기 너무 쉽고 맛있어요.
hi helen,
안녕하세요. ^^
한글 덧글 너무 반갑네요. 미국에 사시나요?
레서피를 더 자주 규칙적으로 올리면 좋을텐데 그러지 못해서 미안해요.
글 고맙구 앞으로도 자주봐요. ^^
I suprised my wife with this dish the other day . It was soo good! Thanks Aeri 😀
Hi, thanks for the video and recipe for rabokki, I have been looking for this for quite a few days.
I am a big fan of this dishes but unfortunately, I live in the UK and I do not think they sell any of fried fish cake here.
Can you suggest me what to replace fish cake then? And if I do not have it, does it affect much to the taste of the rabokki?
Thank you!!!
hi Belle,
If you can’t get the fish cake.. you can skip it. Yes, you lose some flavor from it..but it still be delicious. If you have Korean instant noodles like in this recipe.. add some of the powder from spice pack to your tteokbokki instead of fish cake..it will give good flavor to it. thanks
Hi,thank you for the instruction.I am a big fan of Korean food.I’d like to know that for TteokBokki and RaBokkI, if I leave out the pepper powder, will the taste be affected?(I still use pepper paste)
hi Mia,
The main ingredient is pepper paste…so it is okay if you skip the pepper powder.. ^^ thanks
I love this! But how much does this recipe serve?
hi Nikko,
It is for 3 servings.
안녕하세요 애리씨~^^
hello,my name is septi..
i really enjoy your website..bcause i really love to cook korean foods..and your website helping me so much..
i would like to ask..
can we make eomuk by our own??
would you like to share the ingredients and how to make eomuk?
because in INdonesia a little bit hard to find eomuk in supermarket or traditional market..
Thank you so much for your attention^^
i really wait for your reply..
좋은 하루 조내요..
감사합니다 ^^
hi snm.septiani 셉티 ,
Nice to meet you. Yes you can make eomuk at home. I will add it to my list .. thanks 🙂
I want to add some meat to the dish, what do you think would be the best kind of meat and how should I do it?? Sorry, I’m not a great cook 😳
hi Jaquelyne,
Actually there is no rule or limit.. you can add any kinds of meat you like to it.. ^^
Hi! I really wanna eat Korean Foods but I can’t find it anywhere near me since we don’t have Korean Restaurants or Korean Stores here in my town. So I decided that maybe it’ll be better if I cook it myself but the problem is, I can’t seem to find the ingredients needed. Thanks for your site, I now know how to cook Rice Cakes. But I still don’t know where I can get EoMok so I could cook RaBokki and Tteokbokki. Please tell me how to make Fried Fish Cakes/EoMok. I really really would appreciate that. Thanks! Your website is AMAZING by the way! 🙂
I will add it to my list. thanks ^^
Aeri, I love your blog so much, and I’ve been trying your recipes for a long time. Thank you for your sharing.
So I have a question about this dish. The rice cakes you used in this recipe, are they frozen or defrost? I bought a bag of frozen rice cakes, and do I need to defrost them before making this dish? Thanks.
Mine was frozen..I just use frozen one..no problem to cook… but it seems like it can be different depends on the brand.. some might need to be thaw before cooking.. some is better just cooking without it..
This blog is awesome! I’m half Korean and half American living in France and sometimes I get so homesick without my favorite Korean dishes! Thanks so much!
Lovelovelove your site!!
Had never heard of rabokki, but now I know what’s for dinner. Looks amazing!! 😀
Best recipe of rabokki I’ve ever tried! Thanks for letting us know the “secret” ingredient 🙂 The recipes in other cookbooks don’t write that!
Hi aeri,
I made the rabokki for my daughter she just return from Korea studying abroad this is one of her favorite food. Great recipe turn out excellent she loved it. She like it with cheese also we tried several and it was not the same taste she was use to. Can you please tell me what cheese I should use to give it the authentic rabokki with cheese taste? I love your website.
Thank you,
Lisa Neal
hi Lisa,
I’m glad to hear that your daughter loved it. hehe.. I think basically the Korean single slice cheese is like American single slice cheese.. just the difference is.. when you compare normal Korean milk and American milk.. you can taste the different from them. Korean milk is more like American 2 % milk.. and Korean cheese seems less salty than American cheese.. so maybe you can try reduced fat cheese .. or low sodium cheese ? if they have things like that here.. ^^:; Thanks
Hello how many cup of water do i need for 5 serving and other ingredient? 🙂
hi suzi,
Since this recipe is for about 3 servings.. I think you can double the recipe.. 🙂 Thanks
Hi Aeri,
Can I use the anchovy n kelp broth like in the tteokbokki instead of only using water.
Hi Anita,
Sure..it’s up to you. 🙂 Thanks
It’s perfect! Even my American boyfriend, who knows nothing about Korean food, liked it. It is as good as any I’ve had in a restaurant.
Thank you for posting! I’ll have to check out your other recipes.
hi Kaedi,
That is awesome. Thank you very much. I’m excited to hear this kind of feedback. hehe
Hi Aeri,
I just made this tonight and it was PERFECT! Reminded us of late nights at 김밥천국 in Seoul 🙂
Thank you so much for the excellent recipe!
hi Laurelle,
wow, Perfect ? You must be did great job. 😉 Thank you for update..and love to hear that you enjoyed this recipe. awesome !!
I tried this recipe last night and it was delicious!! Thank You!!
That’s awesome, Emily.
Thank you very much. 🙂