Injeolmi (인절미) is a type of Korean rice cake. It is sticky rice cakes rolled in some kind of powder or crumbs. Depending on the powder or crumbs, the name for the rice cakes are different. Today I will make injeolmi rolled in mungbean crumbs, which we call “nokdu injeolmi.” Chewy rice cakes, covered with the sweet and nutty flavor of mung brean crumbs, tastes very delicious.
Yield: 40 Pieces
Short Korean Lesson
- BiDeum (비듬) = Dandruff
- BangGui (방귀) = Fart
Video Instructions
Rice Cake Ingredients
Mung Bean Crumbs Ingredients
Wash 1 cup of dried, peeled mung beans several times.
Soak the washed beans in water for about 2 hours.
After 2 hours, drain.
Put a metal steamer in a big pot, or use a bamboo steamer. Pour some water into the pot.
Put wet cheese cloth (or some other thin cloth for steaming) over the steamer.
Put the drained beans on the cheese cloth. Spread the beans out evenly.
Boil the water. Steam the beans for about 20 to 30 minutes.
Rub a cooked bean with your thumb and second finger. If the bean smashes easily, they are done. However, be careful not to over cook the beans, or else you will not get the right texture for this food.
Quickly pour and spread the cooked beans onto a wide plate.
Sprinkle ½ tsp of salt evenly on the beans. Let them completely cool down.
You do not want your beans to be wet, so try to get them dried. You can toast them in a pan on the stove, or bake them a little in the oven. Either way, be careful not to burn the beans. Put the beans in a zipper bag, and smash them with something like a French rolling pin, until half of the beans become powdery, but some chunks are still remaining.
Add about ¼ cup of sugar in the bag and shake it to mix everything. Depending on your tastes, you can adjust the sugar amount in this step.
Spread the beans on a wide plate. Set them aside while you are making the sticky rice cakes.
Mix 3 cups of sweet rice flour, 2½ cups of water, ¼ cup of sugar, and 1 tsp of salt in a large mixing bowl.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap loosely.
Cook for about 3 minutes on high in the microwave. Take it out from the microwave and mix. Keep repeating this until the batter has completely cooked. When it is cooked, the color changes from white to a little yellowish color. It took about 6 minutes in my microwave.
Knead the rice cake dough with a fork first.
And then forcefully hit it with the end of a French rolling pin, or similar tool. This will help your rice cakes to have a nicer, chewier texture. Do this step for about 10 minutes.
Spread ⅓ of the cooked mung beans on a cutting board.
Put the rice cake dough on top of the bean crumbs.
Put another ⅓ of the beans on top of the rice cake dough. Flatten the rice cakes into a square shape with about a ½-inch thickness. The beans help the dough to not stick to the board or your hands, making it is easier to work with them.
Dip the knife in water and then cut the rice cakes into 2-inch wide strips. I divided mine into 4 strips.
Take each strip and slice it into about 10 pieces.
Roll each piece on the remaining bean crumbs, so that the entire surface of each cake is covered with crumbs.
You can freeze some and eat them later. When you eat the frozen rice cakes, you can thaw them out at room temperature or microwave them a little. They will taste just as fresh as when you first made them. Try them someday. 😉
Hi Aeri,
I love reading your blog and watching your videos.
Your cooking is so neatly and I enjoy watching a lot ! Keep doing what you are doing because it’s a pleasure to watch.
They look amazing, Aeri. I must make some rice cakes for my family when I go back to Scotland in July. 😛
How can I do the dough the without a microwave please?
You can steam the batter also. ^^
Aeri, your metal steamer looks so handy and easy to use! Could you please tell me where you got it? 😛
I got it from a Korean grocery store. ^^ I like it too.. hehe
Hello Aeri!
Can I follow this recipe but cover the rice cakes with some kind of nuts like walnuts or almonds instead of mung beans?
Thank you for your blog! I really enjoy your recipes!
Can’t wait to try his one!
hi Laeti ,
You can try that.. but just remind that.. the mung bean seasoned with sugar.. so it give sweetness to the rice cake.. if you use nuts.. think of that.. thanks.