This stir-fried tiny anchovy side (잔멸치 볶음, JanMyeolChi BokkEum) is another Korean side-dish that was requested a lot from my viewers. Since the main ingredient, dried tiny anchovies, is not that common in the Western world, I am very surprise that people asked me about it. Wow! How did people find out about this dish? I assume that they saw it in Korean dramas or on Korean TV programs since it is a very common daily side-dish for Korean meals. I have my own secret recipe to make this side-dish extra delicious, and that’s what I’m going to share with you today. Are you excited? Okay, let’s get started.
Yield: 2 Cups
Short Korean Lesson
- Chaek (책) = Book
- DokSeo (독서) = Reading a Book
Video Instructions
⏰ The video for this recipe will be started at 4:27.
Main Ingredients:
- 2 Cups Dried Tiny Anchovies
- ½ Cup Green Onions
- ¼ Generous Cup Garlic
- ¼ Cup Fresh Red Hot Pepper
Seasoning Ingredients:
- 2 Tbsp Corn Syrup or Honey
- 2 Tbsp Cooking Oil
- 1½ Tbsp Soy Sauce
- 1 Tbsp Sugar
- 2 tsp Sesame Seeds
Prepare 2 cups of dried tiny anchovies. You can find them at a Korean or an Asian grocery store. For this recipe, I want you to use these tiny ones – not the normal-sized anchovies. I think these tiny anchovies have a less fishy taste and have a better texture, when eating them.
Finely chop ½ cup of green onions. Then finely slice ¼ generous cup each of garlic cloves and fresh red hot peppers.
Put the dried anchovies in a heated nonstick pan without any oil. Fry them for about 2 minutes on medium. Occasionally stir them. By doing so, you can evaporate the terrible fish smell of the anchovies into your house and make a delicious side-dish.
In 2 minutes, the dried anchovies will get lightly golden brown. Quickly reduce the temperature to medium-low.
Add all the seasoning ingredients, except for the sesame seeds: 2 Tbsp rice syrup or corn syrup, 2 Tbsp cooking oil, 1½ Tbsp soy sauce, and 1 Tbsp Sugar. Mix everything well.
And then, add the garlic and the red hot peppers into the pan.
Stir-fry for about 3 minutes on medium-low.
After 3 minutes, add the chopped green onions and fry for another 2 minutes.
After 2 minutes, turn off the heat and sprinkle about 2 tsp of sesame seeds on top of everything.
They’re done.
Isn’t it amazing to make such a delicious food this easy and fast? Put them in a glass container and you can enjoy them for several weeks. We finished them all in just a few days because they are so very delicious. hehe Try them someday soon. 🙂
Hi, Aeri!
I first heard of this dish from Maangchi, another Korean youtuber. Then before I find the chance to make it, I saw the ingredient at my local Korean grocery store. Not only they got all the ingredients they also got the canned one by dongwon. So I bought all the ingredients along with the canned one. This was awhile back like 5-6 years ago. Then in that week’s episode of Queen of Marriage, one of ladies advices her sister in law that if she make myeolchi bokkeum, the kids, the husbands and the parents in law will always finish everything along with doenjang jigae she served that day.
After that I tried making it with Maangchi’s recipe and my son loves it. But when I saw your recipe, it reminds me of that canned myeolchi bokkeum I bought at my Korean grocery store. So I also tried your recipe. I enjoy your version too. My son still prefers Maangchi’s spicy version w/ gochujang. Also this dish don’t last more than 3 days in my house. My son always snacking on it. Thank you for the recipe, Aeri ssi. I absolutely love it.
hi Ima,
I enjoyed reading your story. It’s great that your son likes dried anchovy side dish..because it’s high in calcium. My second son, Logan loves it too. 🙂 Thank you for trying my recipe. hope to hear from you more often in 2018. Happy new year. 🙂
Hi Aeris, love your blog and recipes! Do you wash the anchovies before cooking them ?