Today I’ll make a delicious recipe called addictive eggs (마약달걀장, MaYakDalGyalJang). After eating it just once, you’ll not be able to stop eating more. Be prepared to gain a lot of weight. Addictive eggs are an egg side dish that has been a hot foodie item throughout SNS in Korea. It’s easy to make, but the taste is addictive. So, if you make it, you’ll love it. With one addictive egg, a bowl of rice will disappear quickly. Please make it at home soon.
Yield: 8 Eggs
Short Korean Lesson
- JongI (종이) = Paper
- YeonPil (연필) = Pencil
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients:
- 8 Eggs (5 Cups Water, ½ Tbsp Salt, ½ Tbsp Vinegar)
- ¼ Cup Onion
- ¼ Cup Green Onions
- ¼ Cup Red Hot Pepper
- 2 Tbsp Green Hot Pepper
- 2 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
- 1 tsp Garlic
Sauce Ingredients:
- ⅔ Cup Soup Soy Sauce
- ⅔ Cup Water
- ½ Cup Sugar
- 2 tsp Vinegar
8 eggs should be left at room temperature for at least 30 minutes before boiling to help prevent cracking.
Start boiling 5 cups of water on high heat.
While the water is boiling, slice the vegetables for the sauce.
Finely chop ¼ cup of onion, ¼ cup of red peppers, 2 Tbsp of green pepper, ¼ cup of green onions, and 1 tsp of garlic.
When the water starts to boil, add ½ Tbsp vinegar and ½ Tbsp salt. These ingredients also help to prevent the eggs from breaking.
Carefully add the eggs to the boiling water. Once the water starts to boil again, boil the eggs on high heat for 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, you will have soft-boiled eggs. Addictive eggs are usually soft-boiled, but you can boil them for 12 minutes to make hard-boiled eggs.
If you slowly and carefully spin the eggs with a spoon or spatula, the eggs’ yolks will settle and cook in the center of the eggs.
Next, let’s make the sauce that is the key point of this dish.
But first, are you curious what soy sauce I use? I mainly use Sempio’s normal soy sauce, Sempio’s soup soy sauce, or Assi’s soy sauce for my cooking. So, I recommend all three of these products. But among these three, the secret of my recipe today is Sempio’s soup soy sauce.
You can use any other soy sauce you have at home, but if you can, I recommend using this Sempio soup soy sauce for this recipe. Add cup of soy sauce, cup of water, ½ cup of sugar, and 2 tsp of vinegar into a bowl and stir it until the sugar is dissolves.
Next, add all the prepared vegetables and 2 Tbsp of sesame seeds into the sauce.
Mix it again.
When the eggs are ready, take them out and soak them in ice water.
If you peel the egg a little bit before putting it in the ice water, the egg will peel smoothly later.
Leave the eggs in ice water for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, peel the eggs. Now, everything is ready. How easy was it?
Prepare a glass bowl with a lid to keep the eggs in the refrigerator.
Put the boiled egg in that glass container.
Then, pour the sauce over the eggs.
Put it in the refrigerator for about 2 days. After that, you will have delicious addictive eggs.
I’m very happy to share this delicious recipe with you. Try my addictive egg recipe, take a picture, and share it with me through Instagram or Facebook. Enjoy your delicious addictive eggs and see you next time. Bye ~~
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