Fish cakes are popular with children. The savory flavor of fish cakes, fried with a delicious sauce and veggies, makes a great side dish. Since this can be used for more than a week, and it tastes good cold, moms like to make plenty of it in advanced. Store it in the refrigerator and serve it with your meals.
Yield: 2 Cups
Short Korean Lesson
- EomMa (엄마) = Mommy
- Abba (아빠) = Daddy
Video Instructions
⏰ The video for this recipe will be started at 0:14.
Main Ingredients
- 1½ Cups Fried Fish Cakes(6oz)
- ½ Cup Onion
- ¼ Cup Carrot
- ¼ Cup Hot Peppers or Sweet Peppers
- 1 Tbsp Cooking Oil
- 1 tsp Sesame Seeds
Sauce Ingredients
- 1½ Tbsp Soy Sauce
- 1-1½ Tbsp Corn Syrup
- ½ Tbsp Water
- ½ tsp Minced Garlic
- 1 tsp Sugar
Divide 1½ cups worth of fish cakes in half and cut them thinly.
Slice ½ cup worth of an onion thinly, julienne ¼ cup worth of a carrot, and cut ¼ cup worth of some hot peppers or sweet peppers, depending on your tastes. I used some type of Korean pepper.
On medium heat, add 1 Tbsp of cooking oil or cooking oil. Fry the fish cakes for 3 minutes on medium.
Add the onion, carrot, and peppers. Stir them.
Add 1½ Tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tsp of sugar, ½ tsp of minced garlic, 1-1½ Tbsp of corn syrup, and ½ Tbsp of water. Fry for about 5 minutes on medium or until the onion has cooked.
Sprinkle 1 tsp of sesame seeds on top. Mix, and then turn off the heat.
today i made this fried fish cake (and fried seasoned cuttlefish, read under that posting) and my girl, she’s 8 said “this is my favourite dish now”. so, you know how it turned out…grrrreat!
Hi, layping
wow.. I feel honor that your little girl said that !!! hehe..tell her “thank you” instead of me. 😉 I’m happy ~~ Have a great week !!! thanks.
my girl wanted me to pass her “you’re most welcome ” to you 🙂 she’s demanding me to make this again!
Hi, layping ^^
oh..sooooo cute !!! hehe. Tell her I’m very happy. 😉 thank you for your comment !!!
Hi there I have just found your site after searching the web for Korean recipes ! You have done a great job, the videos make it so easy to follow. I have been trying Asian style food lately as my husband is allergic to milk products and I was told Asian food would be good as it contains little. It is great that you have some Korean lessons too (love that). One question; with the side dishes if you make to much and then refridgerate, do you re-heat or eat cold ? We like the fish cake recipe but aren’t sure how to eat the leftovers ? We also have children and they are very good but find some of the food strange and hard to eat any suggestions ? ps. We are from New Zealand =)
Hi, Anne
Nice to meet you !!! I’m happy that you found my blog..hehe Yes, Korean food can be good for him since we don’t use milk for our food. It depends on side dishes… but most side-dishes I made so far… you eat them without re heating.. usually.. you reheat leftover stew..or soup.. though.. fish cake side-dish.. I just eat from refrigerator without reheating it. 🙂 aha.. you are asking.. you have problem to find good food for your children.. which they you love to eat ??? It can be depending on your kids’ taste..but I will recommend you.. curry and rice … vegetable fried rice.. kimchi fried rice.. or black bean paste with rice or noodles..for now.. to see if they like that kind of food.
I will give you links for them.
If you have any more questions, let me know~~~ 😉 thanks !!!
Thanks so much for the quick reply. Yes my kids love fried rice, with the Kimchi some recipes say you can rinse it ? i think it would be to hot for them if I didn’t, so I should just run it under cold water? It is fathers day in a couple of days here so we are having a big family gathering at my house and I have bought my first small tub of Kimchi and we have more fish cakes too as my husband liked that dish. wish me luck am catering for about 8-10 people ! 😉
Hi, Anne
Yep.. that’s what Korean moms do for their young kids. You can rinse the kimchi in water … that will reduce the spiciness.. GOOD LUCK for your family meal. 🙂 hehe.. let me know the result 😉
is this fried fish cake the same as the fish cakes korean restaurants served in side dishes?
hi kay,
I think so.. I also posted spicy version of fried fish cake side-dish.. you can find it in my picture index.. Usually the side-dish that Korean restaurants serve is spicy version. thanks
Hi Aeri,
Well, after trying the spicy fish cakes recipe with success. I decided to try making the non spicy version.
It came out great also, but personally I do prefer the spicy one a lot more.
Thanks for giving us recipes with different options!
I have the firm tofu in the fridge and look forward to trying that recipe soon!
hi Wakkun,
I agree, also prefer spicy one than soy sauce one. ^^ Enjoy Korean dishes. thanks
HI Aeri!
Thanks for the recipes. Just wanted to know which was correct on this dish? You posted 1 tsp of sugar and 1/2 TBS of water but later on, you say 1/2 tsp of sugar and 2 TBS of water. I wasn’t sure which one to follow.
hi Annie,
Oh.. thank you so much for pointing my mistake. I try to check things well before I post recipes..but I still make mistakes.. hehe I corrected them. 1/2 tbsp of water..and 1 tsp of sugar are right.. sorry for confusing..
Hi I was wondering how long can we store this ? Thank you 😀
hi Kel,
Maybe about a week you can keep it. 🙂 It will not go bad even in 2 weeks..but the taste will start to change and not as good as when it’s fresh..that’s why I say.. it’s good to eat it in a week. 🙂
Oh my gosh, I see the recipe now that I just asked about! (the non-spicy version of MaeUn EoMuk BokkEum) Sorry, no need to direct me to that one now! My husband will be so happy when I make it. Thank you!
This is my favorite odeng recipe – thank you!!!
hi Emily Jang,
haha.. always love to hear “favorite” here. Thanks ^^
Hey, where did the video go for this recipe?
hi Vanessa,
Sorry, I need to make the video again..