Fried rice (볶음밥, BokkEum) is a very common food in Asian cooking. Depending on the Asian country, the ingredients can vary somewhat, but not by that much. Today, I will show you how to make Korean styled vegetable fried rice. There are no particular rules for the ingredients. So, you can use any kinds of vegetables you like. If you add some chopped ham, sausage, or hot dogs, it will be very delicious too. (Just reduce the amount of salt in those cases.) I like to make fried rice when I have leftover rice in the refrigerator. It is a very good way to use your old rice without wasting it. Plus, if your kids don’t want to eat their vegetables, try this dish for them. Not only is it healthy, but it is also delicious. Thanks!
Yield: 2 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- YaChae (야채) = Vegetable
- DangGeun (당근) = Carrot
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients
- 2 Cups Cooked Short Grain Rice
- ⅔ Cup Potato
- ⅔ Cup Onion
- ⅓ Cup Carrot
- ⅓ Cup Sweet Pepper
- ⅔ Cup Zucchini
- 2 Eggs (+2 Pinches Salt)
- ½ tsp Salt
- Some Oil
- Some Sesame Seeds to Garnish
Chop 1 medium sized potato (⅔ cup), ½ of an onion (⅔ cup), ⅓ cup of carrot, ⅓ cup of sweet pepper, and ⅔ cup of zucchini finely.
In a pan, add 2 or 3 Tbsp of oil and heat it. Add the potato and onion into the heated pan. Fry them until the potatoes are half cooked.
Add the rest of the vegetables: carrots, zucchini, and the sweet pepper.
Add ¼ tsp of salt and fry them until all the vegetables are almost cooked.
Add 2 cups of cooked rice and fry for 5 more minutes.
Meanwhile, break 2 eggs, and add 2 pinches of salt. Beat the eggs.
Push the rice to one side of the pan to make room to cook the eggs. Pour the egg mixture in the pan.
Cook the eggs like scramble eggs.
When the eggs are almost cooked, mix the eggs with the fried rice and cook for 2 more minutes.
Add ¼ tsp of salt. You can adjust the amount of the salt depending on your taste. It is done. As an option, you can add some sesame oil to your fried rice.
Does it look delicious? It is delicious. I like to eat fried rice with some kimchi or spicy food since the fried rice taste is kind of mild. To serve, sprinkle some sesame seeds on top. Enjoy~~~
your fried rice is so pretty! 🙂 i add bacon to my fried rice and serve it for breakfast. 🙂
Hi, farleen
hehe..thanks !! bacon.. hm..yummy… what else you add to your fried rice.. any special seasoning or vegetables??? It can be quick and easy meal for breakfast. 🙂 MISS YOU 😥
hi again ~ you should add green onions to the fried rice. it makes a BIG difference in taste. it’s really tasty. 🙂
Hi, farleen
Oh~~~ really ?? good idea.. okay.. when I try it again next time, I will add some green onions.. I love green onions..hehe thanks !! Baby said “Hi~~” to you..hohoho
hmm another good looking dish 🙂
Potatoes in fried rice? Now that is an interesting twist. It is new to me. I love potatoes, it can go with everything, I am going to try that one out some time:D.
Hi, Poeh
I love the flavor of potato in my fried rice. Oh… you also love potatoes like me ?? ME TOO !!! hehe.. If you try, I hope you will like it. thanks !! 🙂
Aeri, I am so happy to have found your blog! I am ashamed to say that I barely cook Korean food, even though I’m Korean. But I’ll be using your recipes as inspiration. Thank you!
Hi, Christina Kim
Nice to meet you!! I’m happy you visited my blog also. hehe… yep.. you can cook more Korean food now. Thanks !! Hope to see you more often. 🙂
BokKeumBap rocks! Hey this is the first time I checked out your blog. I usually just watch your videos on youtube. : )
Hi, Tammy
Hehe.. I just visited your site too. I didn’t know that you have a site. I want to add yours to my link. thanks !!! come back !!!! 🙂
I tried this dish today together with 시금치 나물 and it’s just sooo delicious! Thank you very much! I’m very happy to have found this site with so many nice korean recipes! I will maybe try 김치 but it scares me a little cooking it D:!!
hi, Alexandre Hope
wow.. fried rice with 시금치 나물 … good combination ^^ Yes.. try my recent kimchi recipe.. it’s not that difficult and you will like it. hehe.. thanks !!!
Thank you so much Aeri this does sound like something my kids would like to eat. I have also bought a pankcake mix to try as they like zuchini !!
hi, annieNZ
Yep.. good choices ~~~ I think your kids will love both this fried rice and zucchini pancakes.. good luck. !! 🙂 thanks
I’m eating it right now 😛
Thank you for the recipe! I skipped the pepper because I don’t have it right now but is really good even without it. Keep up the great work^^
I love it……. 😛
i am eating it right now………… 😆
I loved this recipe! It is easy and delicious. I made it three times already, and my mom now keeps asking me to make it for her, hahahaha! Your blog is amazing, thank you for sharing your recipes!
hi Milene,
3 times ~~~ yay ~~~ 🙂 Please share more of your experiences about cooking Korean recipes. Thanks for your comment. 🙂
Finally! A fried rice recipe that reminds me of my time spent in Korea. Thank you!
hi Teresa,
That’s very happy news to hear. Thanks. 🙂
This looks so delicious. What kind of oil do you fry it in? Thanks!!