Hi Everyone, today I want to suggest something fun to you. Do you remember my last mini cookbook contest to celebrate the 1000th YouTube subscriber? It was amazing to have over 1000 subscribers then. Recently my YouTube channel went past 5000 subscribers. I’m very happy, and thanks go out to all my subscribers. So to celebrate it with you, I want to have an another contest. YA~ 🙂
Last time, I made a special mini cookbook only for that contest. Everybody just left comment on that video to participate in the contest. This time, again I made a special cookbook only for this contest, which means this book is not for sale either. This is what the cookbook looks like. It has 50 delicious Korean recipes from my YouTube channel and blog. Instead of just leaving comment to apply, this time I want something different. Recently, I posted the heart shaped egg that I called “Valentine’s Egg” video. To enter this contest, you must email me a picture or video of your Valentines’s Egg. The reason I picked that recipe is because it is very easy to make and everybody can get the ingredients without problems.
For this coming valentine’s day, make that dish for somebody, take picture, and send it to my e-mail address, blog@aeriskitchen.com or you can make a video response to the “Valentine’s Egg” video. If you email me your photo, you are also giving me permission to post it on my blog. When you send me an e-mail, please don’t forget to add your youtube, blog ID, so I can draw your name. You don’t have to worry about the shape or quality of your egg or picture or video. I will pick the winner randomly, but I will pick only among the people who send me their picture or do video response. The due date will be the last day of Feburary, Feburary 28th, midnight EST. (“Eastern Standard Time”) I hope you will enjoy doing this.
Some people might have difficulty understanding my English, so check the “more info” or visit my blog, aeriskitchen.com for a transcript of this video. My blog and Facebook friends also can participate in this contest.
Thank you soooooo much for your support again. I hope that we can have a 10000 subscriber celebration in the future. Have a happy valentine’s day.
you look good aeri! soo pretty 😉 where’s bryson??? hehe i will try to enter and send you a picture. have a very happy valentine’s day! love you 🙂
hi farleen,
Oh.. thank you… seriously… my camera..actually computer cam..and the sun light makes me look better… bryson was sleeping behind of me.. Yep.. I will be very happy to see your picture.. thanks.. have a happy valentine’s day.. love you a lot !!!!
bryson said “me too !!! ” hehe..
i want i want it!!! will do it after new year. i saw your new cookbook. very impressive!!!! go go aeri ^^
hi layping,
hehe.. DO IT DO IT !!! yes..I’m very happy about what she did.. she is amazing designer.. hehe I’m lucky.. thanks..
haha how cute 🙂 i guess i’ll have to get cooking 🙂
hi misspookietoodle,
yep.. GO FOR IT !!! hehe..thanks
hi aeri!! i’m so happy that i found out about this contest.. ^^
my friend shared the link of ur 김밥 recipe.. then i started to check ur channel.. haha.. so happy that i can still join this!
i’ll go buy some carrots tomorrow!! haha~~
anyway.. u have a very cool videos!! and blog!! i’m amazed..
i want to try all the other recipes cuz i love Korean food as much as i love Chinese food.. hehee..
[maybe after mid term cuz i’m facing exam soon..]
hope u have a very berry blessed day! keep the good work sister! ^^
God bless u and ur family.. 화이팅!
hi Winer Chen,
I’m so happy to meet you too. Maybe I should thank you to your friend who introduced my channel to you.. hehe please tell him or her my greeting.. haha.. one day left.. hurry up..I will be very happy to add your name. thanks.. ^^ Good luck for your exam..
hi aeri~~
i’ve sent u emal.. ^^ i cannot comment on ur utube channel cuz i dont have youtube account.. ^^; sorry..
i’ll send ur regards for him.. ^^ he’s Korean and resides there..
thanks aeri! ^^
hope u have a great day!
God bless u and ur fam!
hi Winer Chen,
Oh.. don’t worry.. as I mentioned on my video.. my blogger and facebook friends also can participate on it.. so..I added your name .. I sent you a reply.. thanks 🙂 God bless you too.
Hi Aeri,
I am very sad that I t found out about your contest only today.
It is late for me now to enter your contest to win your mini cookbook.
I am not a Korean but nevertheless I am in love with Korean food, culture and especially TV drama. Through watching Korean drama I became very familiar with Korean food. My fever for Korean food and Korea became so high that in May last year, my hubby allowed me to meet with “HYUN BIN “in Seoul for 2 weeks :-o). It was a fantastic trip for me. I visited many places and tried a lot of Korean food. I really like the taste of Korean food. My favourite during the trip was Korean rice cake. I also visited Korean cooking Institute in INSADONG where there is a coffee shop which sells their own rice cakes. I tried several different kinds of (expensive) rice cakes and I really enjoyed it. Now I am learning some food from your site on youtube. The more I watch your video the hungrier I am. Anyhow thank you for the kind reply and please let me know about your next contest.
EiEi6217 from Youtube.
hi EiEi,
Oh..I’m sorry to hear that you missed it. but..yep..definately I will have more contests in the future.. so please check my channel and blog sometimes..hehe wow.. you visited to Korea to meet hyun bin.. awesome !!! I’m planning to post rice cake recipes to.. someday.. hehe I;m very happy to meet you. 🙂