This is gourmet seasoning sauce. It is naturally brewed soy sauce added with the boiled down natural sauce from cooking onions, ginger, garlic, pears, apples, beef, etc. This one is specially good for soup or stew. I already tried it for my seaweed soup. I basically made the soup in the same way, but reduced the normal soy sauce amount and added some of this seasoning in place of the missing soy sauce. It turned out pretty good, so I’m going to use it for different kinds of soups and stews later. You can think of it like this – in a well flavored dish, you can add extra flavor to make it even more tasty. Sometimes if you don’t have enough time to make your own broth, as many of my recipes ask for, you can get a similar flavoring from simply using this seasoning sauce. It is a shortcut for a quick and easy dish. Hehe, that doesn’t mean skip making broth all of the time though, because making your own broth give you the best flavor for your dish. =P Anyway, I was happy about the result, so try it someday if you can find it in a Korean grocery store. This is especially for soup and stew. It has seafood extract in it, you will not like this particular flavor of sauce if you are a vegetarian or do like seafood.
Hi, if we don’t have the special sauce but just regular soya sauce, how much do we use? Thank you. I think your recipes taste delicious!
안녕하세요? 한국음식 맛있게 만드는법 가르켜 주셔서 고맙습니다.책 도 사서 잘보고있어요.불고기나 갈비할때 어떤 간장을 써야 더맛이 있나요?
Hi Julie,
와..반갑습니다. 책도 구입해주셨다구요, 너무 감사해요. 미국에 계신가봐요. ^^ 저는 미국에서 8년정도 살다가 이제 한국으로 돌아왔어요. ^^ 저는 샘표의 빨간색 진간장 s 로쓰면 맛나던데요. ^^