Do you have any food or ingredient you don’t like to eat? In my case, one of them is peanut butter. lol Since so many people like peanut butter, I can see peanut butter related food everywhere around me. As a joke, my husband tells me I’m weird if I don’t like peanut butter. Anyway, I decided to make something with peanut butter to share with you. We have this peanut buttercream bread in Korean bakeries. But oops … I just started taste testing in my videos recently … what I should I do now? I don’t like peanut butter … should I try it? lol I do believe that there are people out there who don’t like peanut butter like me, or are unfortunately allergic to it. For those people, and me, I will also make a buttercream bread in the video. I’ll try it. How about that? hehe The result was very successful, so please try it someday.
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