Today, I will show you how to make one of my favorite Korean side dishes. For this dish, you need a special kind of fish: half dried pollack, which is called “CoDaRi” in Korean. Usually, you can find it in any Korean or Asian store. It has the right amount of salt already added. This dish is a little sweet with a slightly spicy taste. Since it is a half-dried fish, it has good texture for eating. Plus, it is a side dish that keeps longer in the refrigerator than other side dishes. We call this kind of delicious side dish as a “rice thief” (밥 도둑=Bap DoDuk) in Korea because it is easy to finish your bowl of rice quickly without other side dishes. haha … Without noticing much, your rice will be gone. Oops, it sounds dangerous for your diet. =P My husband tried it for the first time the other day, and he liked it. I just wish I could have gotten fresher fish, because then it would have been even more delicious. Anyway, I highly recommend that you try this for your meal someday. Thanks!
Yield: 6 Servings