This is how to read and write the 20 Korean sport words “운동 🏈⚾️🏓” (UnDong), which translates to “Sport” in English. 🇰🇷📚🏅
Korean Flashcards – Vegetables (채소)
This is how to read and write the 20 Korean vegetable words “채소 🫑🍆🥕” (ChaeSo), which translates to “Vegetables” in English. 🇰🇷📚👩🏻🌾
Korean Flashcards – Farm Animals (농장 동물)
This is how to read and write 20 words for farm animals “농장 동물” (NongJang DongMul) in Korean.
【Hangul 101】 Lesson3: 14 Basic Consonants
Hi, in the last lesson, we talked about the ten basic Korean vowels, “ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ.” They are made with the shapes of sky, land, human, or some combination of them. We also learned the proper way to read and write them.
korean lesson ??
소 갈비찜, So GalBiJjim
【HanGul 101】 Lesson2: 10 Basic Vowels
Hi, welcome back to Aeri’s Korean Lessons. In the last lesson, we talked about the basics of Hangul. Hangul was created to help literate Korean people by moving away from a logographic system. It is an alphabet that has ten basic vowels and fourteen basic consonants.
【HanGul 101】 Lesson1: Introduction
Hi! Welcome to Aeri’s Korean Lessons. Through this channel, I will teach you very basic Korean lessons and I will gradually add more advanced lessons. I hope that my Korean lessons can help your Korean study. Let’s study Korean together and have a fun time.