Custard is very easy to make. Sometimes I will add fruit, but you have to make sure there is not a lot of juice in the fruit. Custard is good while still warm or when chilled in the refrigerator.
Yield: 5 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- GoRae (고래) = Whale
- SangEo (상어) = Shark
Main Ingredients
- 3 Eggs
- 2 Cups Milk
- ¼ Cup Sugar
- ½ tsp Vanilla Extract
- ½ Tbsp Brown Sugar per Each Custard Cup
- ⅛ tsp Salt
- Some Cinnamon
Preheat oven to 325°F. Mix ¼ cup of sugar and ⅛ tsp of salt into 3 beaten eggs.
Stir in 2 cups of milk and ½ tsp of vanilla.
Put ½ Tbsp brown sugar into each custard cup. Place the custard cups in a 9×11 inch cake pan.
Fill the cups with the egg mixture and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
Fill the cake pan with boiling water: half way to the top of the custard cups. Bake for 45 minutes.
Insert a knife into the center of the custard to see if done. If it is done, the knife will come out clean.
When they are done, carefully remove the cups from pan.
You can eat the custard while it is warm or chill it before eating.
Looks yummy and simple ingredients & easy to prepare! 😉
they looks soooooooooo delicious aeris 🙂
custard is one of my favourite dessert!
but i often steam them instead of baking them 😉
hi katoo,
My mother-in-law, Diane made this dessert. 🙂 Yes, it was yummy when she made it and I tried it for the first time~~~ 😛
Looks very soft and delicious. Love it 🙂 I remember eating a lot of this when I was younger. I must make again. Thanks for sharing.
Yummy!! i am planning to make it today 😀
i made them and they were extremely yummy!
Another recipe I will make for my daughter. So easy & healthy. She is still on soft food diet.
Thanks, Aeri. ^.^
hi Bennyrondo,
Hehe… My mother-in-law, Diane made this recipe and posted. 🙂 Yes, I really liked this.. so try it for your daughter. 🙂 Thanks…
It was delicious custard mom ~~~ 😉
Did you make it again yet? lol… same thing happened again.. like the egg salad sandwich, I want to eat this custard again.. lol… maybe you will tell me, I can make by myself with your recipe now… hehe aha… I don’t have that thing (don’t know what the name is.. ) to pick up and remove the custard cups after it’s done cooking.. so I can’t make..
Thanks a lot Diane! I’ve always wondered how I can make this.
Hey Aeri is it possible to make this custard with soymilk? PS- I LOVE YOU and your son is a DOLL!!
Hi Joanna, I’m not sure if soymilk would work or not. Sorry
I’m sure you can add sugar to the top and torch it, to make a nice sweet crunchy topping. Just like creme brulee!
Whenever I try this, the custard comes out curdley and watery 🙁 What am I doing wrong?
Hi Kim, Sorry to hear you had trouble with your custard. Be sure to use fresh milk. Also, make sure the custard cups are baked in a pan of hot water. I’m not sure how watery your custard was. Maybe you had too much water in the pan. Mine will have a little water on them but not much. And make sure the knife comes out clean (no custard on knife) but, don’t over bake. You might have over baked it and had too much water in the pan. Hope this helps.
Can I make it using microwave?
Will you be able to make a video about the making process??
hi Stella,
If you really want..I can do that someday..hehe thanks
hi 🙂 is it possible if i steam it instead of baking it?
Dear Aeris,
I think you can add powdered cashew and granulated sugar as topping. I just use it on the greentea mousse. The taste is good. 😛