Hi Everyone! Today I will make 2 different flavors of black bean ice-cream using chocolate syrup and Sempio’s drinking vinegar. At first, I was going to make a simple black bean drink like soy milk by grinding cooked black beans and adding milk or water to it. However, with my husband’s suggestion, I added some flavors to it, and at the end, I came up with these delicious homemade bean freezer-pop recipes. With simple steps and cooking skills, you can make this creamy, nutty, sweet, and deliciously flavored ice-cream at home. Try it someday. 🙂
Yield: 12 Popsicles
Short Korean Lesson
- GeoJitMal (거짓말) = Lie
- NongDam (농담) = Joke
Video Instructions
For Bean-Chocolate Flavor
- ½ Cup Dried Black Beans (2 Cups Water)
- ½ Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
- ¼ Cup Sugar
- ¼ Cup Milk
- 2 Tbsp Chocolate Syrup
For Bean-Blueberry Yogurt Flavor
- ½ Cup Dried Black Beans (2 Cups Water)
- ½ Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
- ¼ Cup Sugar
- 2 Tbsp Milk
- 3 Tbsp Sempio Blueberry Drinking Vinegar
Obtain 1 cup of dried black beans for making both flavors of ice-cream. Alternatively, you can use only ½ cup beans and make just one of the flavors or use 1 cup to double the recipe for more of one flavor.
Wash the beans good several times in cold water.
Soak the washed beans in water overnight, or for at least 6 hours.
Add the beans and 4 cups of water in a pot.
Once it starts to boil, cook for about 25 minutes. Occasionally, remove the foam from the surface of the water.
25 minutes later, check a bean to see if it is done cooking. If the bean smashes easily when you squeeze one with your fingers, they are done.
Strain the beans.
Add the cooked beans and 1 cup of heavy whipping cream into a blender.
Mix it on a medium-high speed for about a minute, or until it gets a smooth texture. You will get about 2 cups black bean paste.
Since I’m going to make 2 different flavors from this, I will divide the bean mixture in half. Each one will have about 1 cup of ground bean paste.
For the first one, I will make a chocolate flavored ice-cream. Add ¼ cup of milk, ¼ cup of sugar, and 2 Tbsp of chocolate syrup. Mix it well until all the ingredients are evenly mixed. Taste it and, depending on your tastes, adjust the sweetness with sugar or chocolate syrup. When the mixture gets frozen, it will taste less sweet, so keep that in mind.
Pour the mixture into your molds. This will make about 6 freezer pops.
For the second one, I will make a blueberry yogurt flavored ice-cream. For the blueberry yogurt flavor, I will use Sempio’s Blueberry Drinking Vinegar. Add ¼ cup of sugar, 3 Tbsp of Sempio Bluberry Drinking Vinegar, and 2 Tbsp of milk. The sweet and sour flavor of the drinking vinegar, along with the dairy products, will make this taste similar to yogurt, without using real yogurt.
Mix it well and do the same thing you did for the chocolate flavored one. You will get another 6 freezer pops from it. Close the freezer pop lids and freeze them overnight, or at least 8 hours.
When the freezer pops are ready, I place the frozen molds in hot water for few seconds to help them separate.
The dark color is the chocolate flavored ice-cream and the light color is the blueberry yogurt flavored ice-cream. Again, they were a big hit with my husband and first son, Bryson. 🙂 When I asked my son, which one is his favorite, he said “both.” Yay! It still has sugar and whipping cream like normal ice cream, but the main ingredient is the black beans, and it doesn’t contain any chemicals that they put into most store bought ice-cream brands. In those points, this can be a healthier snack or dessert. More importantly, they are delicious! Enjoy!
Hi Aeri, when you say black beans do you mean black soy beans or regular black beans (turtle)? It is hard to tell from the pics. This looks very tasty, can’t wait to try it!
hi Emily,
I used regular black beans from American grocery store. 🙂
I would like to try out your recipe; however, I am accustomed to many types of asian-style ice cream where I am purist and would like to taste only the bean. What types of changes can you make to this recipe to make it only black bean ice cream?
hi :D,
Haha.. without cream ingredients, I don’t know if you can call it ice cream.. ;P anyway.. maybe you can just freeze the smashed (ground) bean with a little bit of water and sugar?? then freeze… 🙂 thanks
Thank you so much for the great recipie, My 2 1/2 year old loved the black bean chocolate pops, and so did I! I used canned beans, and it was just fine. I followed the recipie exactly and it was perfect, not too sweet. “Yay my ice cream pop!” -direct quote from my little guy. Yum!!
hi Gretchen,
Thanks for your review. Your son is so cute. 🙂 I’m very excited to hear that your little boy liked it like my son..hehe thanks
안녕하세요, 저는 검은 콩 아이스크림이 인기가 있지만 미국에서 인기가 있다고 들었? 내가 감사하고 좋은 밤을 알려주십시오.
hi 앨리,
와 한글을 잘하시네요. ^^ 메세지 감사합니다.
Do you have to mix it to make a chocolate or blueberry flavor or can you just use the black beans to make something similar to 비비빅 icecream?
Also, I don’t need to use Korean 콩? I can use Spanish black beans from the grocery store?
hi julie,
You can use other flavor to it. It is like 비비빅.. I didn’t try other beans.. so can not tell exactly..but you can try. Thanks