San Jeok (산적) is a Korean holiday food. We usually make this food with family and relatives one day before a holiday, and serve it the next day. The color and taste combination of this food is very good. Depending on your tastes, you can skip the crab or add different kinds of vegetables, such as mushrooms, carrots, or zucchini. If you are a vegetarian, I recommend using mushrooms instead of beef (oyster mushrooms will be the best). Use the same sauce to marinate mushrooms, cook them until they get enough bulgogi sauce flavor, and then skewer them instead of the beef.
Yield: 2½ Dozen Pieces
Short Korean Lesson
- HaengBok (행복) = Happy
- BulHaeng (불행) = Unhappy
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients
- 5 Korean Crab Sticks
- Green Onions
- 4 Eggs
- ½ Cup Flour
- 30 Toothpicks
Beef Ingredients
- 2 Cups Beef
- 2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
- 3 Tbsp Sugar
- 1½ Tbsp Cooking Wine
- 1 Tbsp Garlic
- 1 Tbsp Water
- ⅛ tsp Black Pepper
- ½ Tbsp Sesame Oil
Cut the beef into ½x½x3 inch pieces.
In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients for the beef until the sugar dissolves. Then, add 2 cups of beef into the sauce. Set it aside while you are preparing the other ingredients.
Cut the 5 Korean crabsticks in half. Divide the cut crabsticks into 3 groups. Cut the green onions to about the same length as the crabsticks. If the white parts of green onions are too thick, then cut them in half.
In a heated pan, cook the marinated beef until the beef has completely cooked.
Put the ingredients on the toothpicks in this order: green onion, crab stick, white part of a green onion, beef, and green onion again.
If you don’t like crab, skip it and just use the green onions and beef.
Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them. Prepare ½ cup of flour in another bowl.
Cover the skewered beef with flour first.
Then cover it with the egg.
Fry in a lightly oiled pan. When the eggs become golden brown, it is done. ^^
Wow, the color is very pretty. 🙂 Thanks and enjoy!
Hi, Juvy
Nice to meet you !!
Thank you for your comment !!!
Hope to see you again ~~:D
I saw this on a Korean tv show I watch online! It’s called Family Outing. I watch it regularly! I didn’t realize that it was pretty easy to make! Thanks so much for the recipe!
Hi, Jennie outing.. hehe It’s fun program to watch. 😉 Thanks ..try it someday. 😉
hey i was wondering if you could use something besides green onion? like potato or carrots because i was thinking of making this for a geography project and bringing it to class 🙂
hi Christina,
I love the green onion flavor for this dish..I think it gives very good taste to it. but..if you don’t want green onion.. or have to use some other… maybe.. zucchini or carrot ??? I’m not sure about potato.. But I still recommend you try green onion..hehe thanks 🙂
thank you very much 🙂
hi aeri ^^
may i change cooking wine into another for this recipe? if it is possible to change it,do u hve suggestion?
thank u before (^-^)
hi ranie,
Cooking wine is not a critical ingredient for this recipe.. so you can skip it. ^^
Hi Aeri.. i just made this beef sanjeok,so nice.. and i already try few recipe from your web, they are lovely. 🙂
Thanks for the recipe
Hi Aeri!
Because of your great recipes now I can make a few korean dishes!
I’ll try to make this, it’s so beautiful!
Just a question. If a want to eat it after a few hours (not warm) will the beef still good?
Thank you
If you can reheat, it can be good. But if you can’t, it is also good to just eat. Enjoy ~~ 🙂 thanks
Hi Aeri, My husband and I just came back from Korea and I am in LOVE with the food!! Lost some weight while eating all your great recipes and I love your step by steps. I will try this because it looks de-lish. Thanks so much for what you do. 😆
Hi Aeri,
You said that you made this one day before holiday. You mean you prepare all ingredients one day before or you cook them one day before and then serve next day? Could you tell more detail? Thanks a lot!!
hi morgen,
You completely cook them one day before….and whenever you serve them.the other day.. reheat on the pan.. ^^ even you can just serve cold also..
dear aeri,
i tried your beef san jerk recipe tonight! my husband and kids devoured them!! will have to make more next time, for sure!! i have a request, could you give your recipe for chicken salad sandwich? by the way, your website is my go-to site for korean food. i am convinced of your culinary masterhood!!!
thanks much 🙂
Hi Grace park,
I’m very excited to hear that your family liked this recipe. thanks ..hehe
about your question.. you mean.. this one ?
I thought I updated the recipe.. but maybe I didn’t.. lol
Okay.. I will try to dig my recipe box.. I think I wrote down the recipe when I made it before to post it..
Thanks. ^^