Today, I will share a very simple yet delicious homemade latte using Korean sweet potatoes. Korean sweet potatoes are often used in Korean dessert foods. That is because Korean sweet potatoes have a delicious sweetness and pleasant firm texture. You can make a perfect latte at home without using any special machine to make the cream or foam. The creamy sweet latte with a nice sweet potato flavor and cinnamon is just right for the fall season. If you can get a Korean sweet potato, please try it someday.
Yield: 2 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- InNae (인내) = Patience
- AnNae (안내) = Guide
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients
- 1 Korean Sweet Potato (8 oz)
- 2 Cups Milk
- 1½ Tbsp Sugar
- 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
- Some Cinnamon Powder (For Garnish)
Obtain 1 medium-sized (8 oz) Korean sweet Potato. Wash it good. Some might ask me if they can use a normal American sweet potato for this recipe. You can try, but the sweetness, flavor, and texture will be different.
Cut it in half so that it will steam faster. As you can see, the color inside of Korean sweet potatoes is yellow. The taste and texture is similar to chestnuts.
Pour some water in a pot and place a metal steamer inside. Place the sweet potato on the steamer. Once the water starts to boil, steam for about 20 minutes on high, covered.
To check if the sweet potato is done cooking, poke it with a fork. If the fork goes in smoothly, it is done.
When it is still hot, peel off the skin. You can use 2 forks instead of your hands to do that.
Break it into big chunks. You will get about 1 generous cup of cooked sweet potato.
Obtain about 2 cups of whole milk. Microwave or boil the milk for about 2 minutes on high.
Add the hot milk, the sweet potato, and 1 Tbsp of maple syrup in a blender. Blend it for about 30 seconds. The first 20 seconds is on medium speed and the last 10 seconds is on high speed. You can try honey instead of maple syrup, but be careful not to over flavor it with honey. Personally, I think maple syrup matches better with the sweet potato than honey for this.
Taste it, and depending on your tastes, adjust the sweetness with sugar. I added 1½ Tbsp of it. Run the blender an extra 10 seconds to blend the sugar into it. You will get a fair amount of foam for your latte through this process.
Pour some of the sweet potato latte in a cup or bowl and sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top before serving. Use a strainer for this step to get a cleaner and neater looking result.
Again, my husband and son loved it a lot. 😀 If you make it less sweet, it can be a great snack food for your children too. Enjoy!
I LOVE sweet potato latte! I was in Korea this summer (first time in 13 years!!) and even though it was pretty hot outside, we had this latte multiple times (along with everything else sweet potato and sweet rice flour).
The only confusing thing was the name. At the bakery they had “단호박 고구마” and my sister and I were confused since we thought it was a pumpkin AND sweet potato mixed cake (instead of it being a type of sweet potato, hehe).
Thank you for the recipe, can’t wait to make this at home!
haha.. you are right. We call different names for different kinds of sweet potatoes in Korea.. 밤 고구마 Chestnut sweet potato is one of them. ^^ Try this someday.
that looks so tempting! im so gonna try it… 😀
You should try it someday. 😉
Aeri Unnie!! HIII:) I have a really important question….
What can I substitute for the sweet potato. I’m allergic to them>_<
Ok, bye! And thanks!:)
hi Liza,
You can make green tea latte… or some people use sweet pumpkin also.. hope this helps.
Guess it’ll be kinda awkward if I left my comment in Korean here but..just feel like doing it!
애리님 레시피 보면 기분이 짱 좋거든요ㅠㅜ
한국 유학생활이 끝나고 미국 유학생활 시작했으니 (전 그냥..한국사람도 아니구 미국사람도 아닌..말레이시아사람임;;) 한국 음식이 너무 그리운 거예요..ㅠㅜ
겨울 때 모든 커피숍에서 꼭 찾을 수 있는 고구마라떼..
그리고 아무리 노력해봐도 샌프란시스코에서 찾을 수 없는 음식들..
항상 고마운 마음으로 애리님 레시피를 보고있지요!
앞으로도 많이 찾아올 거예요^_^ 언제나 감사해요♥
PS/기억하시는지 모르겠지만 제가 바로 그때 유튜브에 감자탕 먹고싶다는 글을 남긴 사람이에요ㅋㅋ
hi RUI,
한국인이 아니신대두 너무 한글을 잘하네요. @,@ 아무말 안했으면 그냥 한국인인줄 알았을거예요. 히~~
에고 감자탕 아직도 못올렸네요. 미안해요. ㅜ,ㅜ 언젠가는 올리도록 할게요. ^^;
늘 건강 챙기면서 공부 열심히 하세요. 화이팅입니다.
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a quick recipe on green tea latte? It sounds delicious. Any mocha recipe would be great too, thank you so much! 😛
hi Lixin,
I will add it to my list. Thanks 🙂
당신은, 고구마 아이스크림을하시기 바랍니다 만들 수 있습니까? 이것이 및 같습니다
Thanks. I will add your request to my list. 🙂
Wow, I’m shocked I had no idea it was this easy to make!
I’m definitely trying this! Thank you so much for posting up your recipes they’re easy+simple
to follow! 🙂
hi Joyce Son,
Yes, easy and delicious.. 🙂 Try it someday. Thanks
Glad I came across this site. Will bookmark it 🙂 Looks like I have something fresh and delicious I can try in the near future and make for my 할아버지 ^_^
hi Chanel @ La Viajera Morena,
hehe.. your 할아버지 will be happy to eat your food. Thanks ^^
that was really good. my husband love it.
i’ve been following your recipes and they’re really great.thank u^^
hi devie,
Good job. Thank you. 🙂