Hi, everybody! Today, I would love to share with you an extremely tasty recipe made with mainly rice, eggs, and crab sticks. It’s simple, right? This fairly simple meal can fill you in one serving, if you are in a hurry. We are all sometimes in that type of situation. This, in Korean, is called 크래미 볶음밥 (CeuRaeMi BokkEumBap). So try out this recipe, and see you in today’s video!
Yield: 1-2 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- GaJi (가지) = Branch
- GaJi (가지) = Eggplant
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients:
- 2 Cups Cooked Short Grain Rice
- ⅔ Cup Crab Sticks (3 oz) (4 Pieces, 3 inch Each)
- 2 Eggs (2 Pinches Salt, 1 tsp Cooking Oil)
- ½ Cup Green Onions
- 1 Tbsp Garlic
- 1 Tbsp Cooking Oil
- ½ Tbsp Oyster Sauce
- ½ Tbsp Sesame Seeds
- 2-3 Pinches Salt
These are Korean crab sticks called CeuRaeMi (크래미) in Korean. Unlike the crab sticks for Kimbap, this particular crab stick has a better savory favor and a softer texture. However, if you are unfortunate enough to not find these crab sticks, or maybe if you just don’t like them, then you can also use any kind of crab sticks you can find.
We will need about four 3 inch pieces of crab sticks.
Tear them up into fairly large scraps with your hands.
Next, finely chop ½ cup worth of green onions and 1 Tablespoon of garlic.
Break 2 eggs and whisk them elegantly, while adding 2 pinches of salt.
In a heated pan, drizzle about 1 Tbsp of cooking oil and add the chopped the green onions & garlic. Fry it for 30 seconds on medium-high. We will get very nicely flavored oil from this.
30 seconds later, add 2 cups of cooked short grain rice into the pan and stir everything brilliantly.
When all of the rice is mixed evenly with the green onion pieces, season the rice with ½ Tbsp of oyster sauce and 2-3 pinches of salt. Fry the rice for about 5 minutes on medium-high.
After 5 minutes, push the fried rice to the end of the pan to make some space for the egg. Drizzle 1 tsp of cooking oil into the pan.
Pour the egg mixture into the pan.
Then, cook something similar to scrambled eggs for about 2 minutes or until the egg starts to become small, appetizing chunks.
Now mix the egg with the fried rice evenly and stir fry for 1 more minute, or at least until the eggs are all completely cooked.
Put the crab sticks in the pan and fry for 2 more minutes.
Finally, sprinkle ½ Tbsp of sesame seeds and then it is done.
To serve the fried rice fancier, here is my special tip for you. Get a bowl and put little bit of chopped green onion and more sesame seeds on the bottom.
You can also take a few pieces of the crab sticks out from your exhausted pan and put them in the bowl.
Now, fill the bowl all the way to the top with the fried rice. Gently press down when you fill it up, so the fried rice will form a nice shape in the bowl.
Prepare a beautiful serving plate and cover the rice bowl with the plate.
Flip the bowl and plate upside down.
Slowly remove the bowl from the plate, and soon it will reveal itself to you. Instead of a plain old mixture of fried ice, you will see a wonderful and colorful “chunk” of fried rice on your plate.
This fried rice is still delicious when it cools down, so it can be a perfect menu for your lunch box. Together, the fried green onion and garlic oil along with the savory crab sticks and eggs make an amazing flavor for the fried rice. Please try this someday, and see you next time~~~ 🙋🏻♀️
Thank you for the recipe, Aeri! I have been running out of ideas of what to cook, and I am excited to try this for the next dinner 🙂 I am an office worker on the go, so quick but fulfilling meals like these are perfect for me.
Hi Grace,
That’s wonderful to hear… Yes, I also like simple but delicious recipes for myself.. I will try to come up with more recipes like this for you.. Thanks
I added carrots and corn- tasted great! Super easy recipe!
Great job.. Thank you for trying this recipe. 🙂